Rescue dog loves everyone, but attacked my sister
Genuinely don’t get why we’re always beefing with r/donorconceived
AITA for not paying my dad back after he technically owes me tens of thousands?
What Sutan Likes About her Mom
“Tell him, baby”
[OC] Today, my poem ‘A Homeless Night’ was published in Parliament.
Walgreens Kindercare Benefit?
Heartbreaking story that is way too common in the USA
West Texas Petsmart Wins Union Vote! ✊ Come Show Support & Solidarity By Posting to Petsmart's Social Medias 📣 Link in Comments.
Store 191 Won Their Union Vote! ✊ Spread the Word, Share With #PetsmartUnion 📣
Anyone here leave the workforce due to the cost of daycare?
These are a thing!?
Happy new year from Noomi! 🥳✨️
A heartwarming moment as the resident dog greets the new pup.
Heartbreaking Images That Capture the Harsh Reality of the 1980s AIDS Crisis
Condo only allows one pet, we have two ESAs
Canada would remove religious exemption from 'hate speech' in proposed bill. Christians say quoting Scripture to defend their bigotry could be criminalized if the legislation passes.
Is my loan account number the same thing as my loan reference number?
AITA for not letting my boyfriend move in cause I don't want his kids in my home?
AITA for saying I'll sue my SIL if she doesn't pay for the couch she ruined?
WFH/co-working spaces in the NYC metro area (Montclair, Bloomfield, etc in north Jersey)?
Traveling with dog - can the EU take her away if I get my vax/microchip documents wrong?
Is Catullo’s Italian Restaurant really *that* good?!
Historically, what did “well regulated militia” actually mean?
AITA for serving unrefrigerated eggs and homemade cheese?
AITA for telling my brother I will help him and his children but not his wife?