Mamaaaa oooooooo ....
I am Conquest. I have never failed to assimilate a chosen planet, no matter its strength. If you choose to oppose me, you will not survive.
Omni Man (Nolan) without moustache.
The Goat
"i'm so lonely"
who is stronger ? you or your dad ?
It really should've been Rex Splode
reletable ....
Rate my drawing of Invincible vs Conquest.
who got it like that.
Where's season 4 William ?
Rate my sketch of Allen the Alien.
This might be the best artwork i've ever seen.
this is gonna be soo good
Plan to kill Batman ...
why you make me do that, just think.
I'm Omning it !!!
What if ?!!
just imagine
it's not like it used to be.
Rate my drawing of Battle Beast .
X-23 Jump Street
Now you can't unsee it.
Hello, invisible woman....