Donde tienen las mejores prostis
recomendaciones de lugares para tener relaciones en auto
I make $5300-5900 a month as a truck driver living at parents, my expenses every month is around $1300 so roughly $4-4600 just gets thrown into my savings account pretty boring guy don’t do much except ps5, gym, watch movies
What car should I buy? budget is 3k
Musk swings around a chainsaw on stage to symbolize his rampage through the federal government, cutting jobs and programs
Buy or die
2002 Ford Thunderbird as an everyday car?
kien se jala hacer un rankeo de las colonias mas piojas de la H
So I'm completely screwed aren't I?
Am I good to drive another 50k miles
How big of a pain would it be to ls swap this junk
Am I good for another 100k??
My question was never answered, am I good for another 100kmiles ??
Am I good for another 100k miles??serious mechanics only
136k miles 6.5k$ is it worth buying
Thinking about buying a SLK 300 2010
2010 slk 300 136 miles
Is this safe to drive?
Slk300 136k miles 2010
H3 hummer 200+ miles . Opinions?
88 c3500 okayyy?
Is this okay