Okay That is Cute
Who would win?
Between the two (Kyoka and Momo), which of these two girls from My Hero Academia would fit as Mob's girlfriend or romantic interest?
Which girl from Team RWBY do you think would be a good choice as a girlfriend or love interest for Mob?
Which girl from Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) do you think would be a good choice as a girlfriend or romantic interest for Mob?
Who's winning this?
Which sprinter is winning the fight?
Aang vs Riza Wildman (Princess Resurrection), Who would win?
In hand to hand combat only, who wins?
Ben And Rex vs Jinx and Vi (Arcane), Who would win?
If Ben were a student in Class 1-A in the My Hero Academia universe, which characters would become his best friends? I mean both the boys and girls in the class.