Slightly customized Gohan kit-bash 👌🔥👍
Painted the ceiling and this orange spot keeps coming back. Painted it 4 times and even covered it in hole filler
My teen gohan finally came in !
Has anyone spotted Lowest Born Saiyan in the wild yet?
Feedback please
How I was spoiled the identity of the Arkham Knight by the game
My biggest haul since last year
They all arrived today, separately
First figuarts
New Broly is Sick!!
Daily Bugle
My grandmas "new" tires
How many figures do you have sealed?
Which Big Set?
Under the shelf find at Target
Which enemy/boss did you react to this way?
After months of looking for this figure, finally managed to cop one at a retail price! 💙
Glue down lvp installation
New poster for Captain America Brave New World
I've bought this custom Beast Gohan for the Ultimate body. Does anyone have this? How does it looks?
Should I get amazing yamaguchi Deadpool or figuarts Deadpool?
Finally got my grail🔥
Vote: Should 3rd Party figures be allowed in this sub?
It's slowly getting there!
*NOT BROLY* is great!