Hey, I've been having these lags lately. Every now and then, they start, and playing with them is a real pain. Do you think it's more of an internet issue or a PC problem? Thanks.
stealing accounts is no problem for epic
Gazdovské gule
Dušan by mal natáčať v chladničke
SUS CHIPS ak tam nevidis postavu z among as tak daj pls aj tak aploud zbieram karmu na redite
What a crispy toast
Ale čau ps4 ovládač (allowed by ducks)
Reckful new pogchamp ?
Repost neviem prečo mi to zmazali malo to 580 Upvotov
Nechtěl jsem se fotit tak jsem udělal tohle
Just some November advice
5 away from 200!!! https://www.twitch.tv/theejoshua
Appreciation video. Jak mi Vojta pomohl.
Playing some Warzone
XxCUTZxX - Twitch Just Need 4 More Followers F4F
Follow for follow
Hey guys! Please help to reach the 50 followers! I'll follow you back 💪 Thanks for the support
Doing Follow for Follow
Follow for Follow let’s grow!
16 away from 50 F4F? https://twitch.TV/ozwae
Guys were pretty close!
living legend.