I know this beating a dead horse but how does this in any way look like a man? (Idea for the post came about when I was playing tomb raider 2013 for the first time)
I Am Disappointed
How do you play against akali?
I’m an 18 year old Trump Supporter. Do you hate me?
Looking to get back into pantheon
God forbid a girlie have needs
Is Johnny the hoboverlord from KoL?
Im scared and ashamed of not doing anything fem in public
What animals would you love to see made into a monster that haven't been used before?
What monster do you not want to return in wilds
Give me your top 3 Monsters you want in Wilds. (Here’s mine)
What Weapon Will You Be Maining in Wilds?
guys check out my mastery. now give me karma
Is Pantheon fixed?
Does anyone else hate the direction Donovan was taken in in Bryce?
Do you think pantheon needs to be buffed?