Where do I want Christianity (a poem...)
Why This "Return of God" Argument is a Recycled Apologetic Flop
Is the Universe a Divine Watch or a Cosmic Joke? Debunking the 'Watchmaker' Argument
Best donuts in northwest/west central Ohio?
Holy Commandments, Batman! Louisiana's Gone Biblical
Hosea: Proof God Needs Therapy?
Intersex, Transgender, and the Nuances of Acceptance: Key Takeaways from Our Latest Podcast
Living a Moral Life Without God: A Guide to Secular Morality
Beyond the Binary: When "None of the Above" is the Only Answer
Debunking Aquinas: The First Cause Fallacy
Married Couples Podcast?
Bible Study by Atheists Weekly: Micah Chapters 5 - 7 plus Q&A, Wrap Up, Contradictions and Specials!
Holy Trek! : A Divine Discussion of Starfleet's Beliefs
Micah Contradictions: Bible Study by Atheists
Education Matters!
Maybe switching to Acast
Any tips for efficient podcast transcription? Insights welcome!
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