What should I modify in my pattern to make the crotch look better and the legs wider ? (Prototype)
Tenue d’hier !!
Motherboard/burnt rubber note
Go ahead and bone my friend
Adresses de coiffeurs pour mannequin
Which sprinter would you be?
What’s your signature scent and how old are you?
How to correct these imbalances ? Right traps and lats are a lot bigger imo
Tried to recover my heel lower and have my back a bit less bent. How to improve even more my start ?
After running an horrible 8.4 60m, I’m trying to improve my start. What can I do ?
C'est quoi la tendance qui va devoir enfin mourrir en 2025 ?
Is it possible to pull +70kg chin up at 16?
How can I get my hair (1-2) like the guys pics 3-4?
Let's see how far you get..
What’s your personal best?
Pull up bar recommendations? (I’m not using one of these Mfs my dad doesn’t want me to f up his doorways)
Why did I pr by 49 to 47 after ice bath 5 hrs before race?
I can’t back squat because of back problems and pain, even when I try textbook-like form. Do y’all think I can have the same gains doing only zercher and front squats ?
How to target lower abs
Wetsuit size
Playing around with ATG squats. How do they look
How to make my body straighter in dragon flags ?
How to get a good form in dragon flags ?
What cost affective spikes do you recommend?