For those who got the Epic Preview What was your favorite Ride , Land , and Food Item?
[Other]What are your Roller Coaster Guilty Pleasures?
Disrespectful, low effort date plans
Kumba Progress
Is kumba gonna be open?
Is this normal?
Why do the digital artists I see only use Apple?
In a much closer battle, Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges is your day 3 winner. For [Day 4] let's see what you all think of Pteranodon Flyers vs The Hogwarts Express
Does BG sell Montu pins?
Breaking news! SheiKra Is Testing
Any news on Kumba?
Best Ways to Pass the Time in Line
Help with Iron Gwazi – Should I Go?
Good places/websites to find jobs?
What do you think of Tigris's intensity?
Day 1 of the Islands of Adventure community ranking tournament. Kong vs Spiderman
Park Updates (for those asking)
Park update
Meme I made
Report from this evening -
Why has Cheetah Hunt been closed?
What kind of Fanny packs are allowed on coasters? And how do you wear them?
Going on a trip for the first time in about 20 years.