The things people steal from Walmart...
BPD blindness or seeing only how shitty we being treated not the other way around
What medication/supplements helped you most with migraines?
Worried about my new fish
For felloq Americans, about how much did the whole process cost you?
Do you wear compression gloves for blood pooling?
salt intake
Does my betta Prince have a tumor?
Is this mania? What do I do
BPD without suicidal thoughts?
So our store got hit with this scam (we found over nine fully sealed switch games that had their games replaced with googly eyes)
Tattoo Cured my Migraine: The Sequel
Best way to get electrolytes?
What is the weirdest sensation/pain you experience that you doubt anyone else has ever had?
glasses for driving at night?
Daith piercing for migraines
Accidentally took 2 Nurtec, about 15 hours apart
DAE get really thick saliva?
how to deal with partner asking for a 3 day break
Anyone on amitriptyline and wear contacts? (Dry eyes)
Are your abortives free?
If you see me outside in short sleeves in the middle of winter…
Anyone else get bingo?
Euphoric episode?? What is happening? I’m not mad about it😁F20(quiet BPD)