I’m pretty sure general Larry Horus from the Totally not a traitor IG regiment will always be loyal to Big E no matter what.
I just hope to be wrong…
You chose the wrong Mulcharmy you fool!
(gore warning) Lizardmen vs Kriegsmen
Shaper Saturday-For the Greater Gourmet
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:10
When Rogue Trader is being asked by the Inquisition about his wife
Social Experiment
My small army
Help, I think I have a problem.
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day: 9
Pirahna's design looks silly to me. Does it for You, too?
Think this card will be a victim of banned because of other cards?
Double Standards
The Triangulum Galaxy deserves love too!
I can never get the box to last more than 3 seconds.
When the heart of the card fails you but the heart of the coin toss comes to the rescue
Warboss is ded. Heil new Warboss.
Farsight Friday: For the Greater Omen
1000 points of Retaliation Cadre ready to roll
GW: We're so sorry that this despicable and obscene scene ruined this friendly and harmless spectacle of violence and death for the whole family!
Tyranid-Tau Thursday: For the Greater Code of Conduct
Please GW this isn’t funny anymore.
Not funny but true