Deaths as rival militias clash in Libya
US Supreme Court to rule on 'Obamacare'
I want to be a designer, but I don't feel like I'm very creative.
Kandahar shootings: What really happened? – Did other US soldiers help Staff Sgt. Robert Bales?
How the World Bank fakes progress and has no real intentions of reducing poverty
Can someone create a script to play all the youtube videos on the front page of r/music as a playlist?
The Social Media Counter Revolution – Middle East Arab regimes embrace Twitter and Facebook for their own ends
2 a.m. e-mail from my girlfriend in Brazil. . . what am I going to do about it (I'm in Boston)?
Looking to learn Javascript front to back through an online course, any suggestions?
Starcraft charity drive looks to help disabled gamer Matthew "LookNoHands" Fink to send him to South Korea to play Starcraft.
How I got banned from /r/amiugly and /r/amisexy
Father tries to rebuild one year after loosing his father, mother, wife & daughter in Japanese Tsunami (Someone stop cutting onion right now)
A heart wrenching story of a survivor of the Japanese Tsunami who lost his father, mother, wife, daughter in the disaster. (Video in upper left corner of this multimedia series) (
Kony 2012 campaign criticized for dumbing down conflict
I just spent the last 2 months of my life redesigning & coding this site. Put it out on Facebook, Syrian Propaganda Services didn't like the redesign. . .
Vladimir Putin cries at election rally (VIDEO)
UN: Both sides of the Libyan uprising were responsible for war crimes
What happens when Errol Morris (Academy Award winning directory of Fog of War) decides to make a hundred Miller High Life Commercials? Mid-West brilliance. . .
Saw this driving to work the other day, I have never gotten my phone out so quickly
Amazing Ukulele Cover of SuperBass
Rhino Wars: The State of Rhino Poaching (Infographic)
Trebek's revenge.
I often imagine the months of the year on the face of a clock. How do you visualize numbers and time?
What is the formula for the rate of decrease in diameter per spin for toilet paper?
Longshot but maybe you guys can help me figure out how to wire a moped up with battery?