What Isekai do you Think has the best world building
Which Isekai fandom "does not beat the allegations" (whatever the stereotypes against them may be)?
What's the most annoying isekai troupe you hate in isekai story.
Traumatize your favorite cartoon fandom with one image
Enough is enough
I mean... If you put it that way... Yeah... The race swap does completely recontextualize Snape's character... And not in a good way.
A legendary level of fuck-up
Villains that are so well written they are hated by the audience for it
Which design trope do you prefer more? Flesh in Machine or Machine in Flesh?
[Mixed Trope] When the obviously evil character, who has been built up to be secretly good, turns out to actually just be fucking evil.
Characters who's "hair" technically isn't made of hair
Characters that are canonically weak (or weaker than the rest) but the fans love to make jokes calling them the strongest
They Always Try To Shit On Clone Wars Lol
The immortal really can't do shit other than take Ls
A glimpse of the largest protest in Serbian history happening right now in Belgrade.
This might be a controversial opinion here, but:
They really got a white, blonde women to say this line
The evolution of Snape pic was removed from r/memes, here's another
Nicola Scott on updating Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor's relationship
Okarun, stop wearing that outfit
Coaxed into kids on the internet, no seriously, ban kids from social media.
What if mark grayson was in the battle of beacon?
Revoke OPs chefs license, do NOT let them cook again