Weighting doesn't appear fixed on weapons with 7+ perks
Weighting doesn't appear fixed on 7+ perk weapons
Twitter (already patched with revanced)
Am I the only one crashing repeatedly after the newest update?
The problem with matchmaking is not that I'm in the wrong rank -- it's that new players are
New(?) Double-Double Perk Bug on World Drop Weapons: Here's how it works
PSA: Now is a great time to do GMs if you've never tried them.
Bungie please fix Verity. Please.
Hey just in case it hasn't been said enough (Because it hasn't) for the love of god STOP making Battlegrounds into Grand masters!!
Newly Enhanceable Weapons announced in TWAB
To the professional fusion voopers. Do I spec into range? stability? Are there breakpoints for stats which I should be aiming for? [PC]
Latest iteration of the Special Ammo meter feels really good!
Feedback: dungeon weapon farming.
What is the best Ad Clear build/subclass possible for Onslaught that you guys know of?
The Messenger (Ultimate Roll Guide) - PC
Most elitist takes about the game
How to fusion rifle?
What is the best first slot grenade launcher to pair with sunshot
TWAB: Ammo crates. Everything Ammo crates
Is backup plan any good on precision frame fusions I.E plug one?
What in your opinion is the best all-round build for solo GM content?
Will Elsies Rifle Overshadow NTTE?
Massive Breakdown of the Chris Proctor Podcast Versus Enemies Interview and Q&A - Into The Light Weapons, Enhanced Multi-Traits, Final Shape Weapon Teases, and more!
Is it a bug on why we can’t changed the raid adept weapons masterwork?
Best titan exotic armor class to stay alive as a solo player