What does this mean?
Is it considered rude to offer muslims water during ramadan?
Do we have to clean the underwear every time after flatulence?
Is it haram to return property affiliated with shirk?
I need advice
Is this haram?
Should we follow the adhan or astronomical calculations to break the fast?
Is my fast valid?
Is my fast valid
Should I convert to Islam and if so than why?
Is buying a game with music haram?
Is buying a game with music in it haram?
Is drinking from such a cup haram
How does impurity transmit?
Is it bidah to give more than the required amount of zakat
Is the kind of riya where you don’t observe what’s been made mandatory on you out of fear of others considered shirk?
Is it shirk to do haram out of fear?
Is respawning in games haram?
Is haram to use this mouse?
TRUE prophecy: “… the people turn to the ignorant as their leaders. They are asked, so they give religious judgments without knowledge…”
Am I still in debt?
Is it haram to say “God” when referring to Allah?
we are strong!!!