SoulCalibur PS3 PSN gameplay session poll
Sophitia alexandra [ artist: Rosie]
Do you think it is possible to have a Modern Day Soul Calibur? (What if)
Sophitia Alexandra, [ artist: @Rosie ]
Sophitia art by "さねよし至" for her Birthday 🎊
Tira Quote For The Week
In Your Opinion What Is Both The Most Positive And Negative Thing About Each Individual Future Generation Character in Soul Calibur V?
Unused SCV Ivy design by Mari Shimazaki
Soulcalibur crowd funding
At some point in time, these two characters had the same VA.
Help with geting Sophie's 8th weapon in Soul Blade.
I want to unlock everything for Soul Chronicle. (SC6)
Identify signature
So with Namco potentially licensing out the franchise, does this mean Project Soul is dead?
Post your Soul Calibur Hot Takes!
Anyone else have a lot of trouble with Olcadan in SC3? Not just getting to him, but actually beating him? Is there anything I should know as a tip to beat him? Any weapon recommendations for certain characters?
It is possible to play (emulate) Soul Edge on modern PC?
just finished this casshilde sketch
I can't believe it. Cassandra wasn't actually the first one to get an idea to throw her shield.
I just LOVE how whimsical Viola's bio is
i was wondering
I think that due to being Soul Edge’s pawn before Siegried, Cervantes was the original Nightmare before being defeated by Sophitia and Taki. Once Siegried frees himself of Soul Edge, Cervantes will have that role and the manual of Nightmare back.
Taki (いっせ)
Anyone active on soul calibur 6?