SF kit
75th Ranger ca 2018
Rate my kit
MP7 finally done
Love it, Hate it...Rate it!
So bad ass
[Discussion] What's your favorite gun in the game? Personally it's this RSASS build for me.
[KCD2] Oratores quest bugged
How are the GHK V3s? Are they problematic or a good buy?
[Discussion] Be smart, report cheaters even if they don't seem sus :)
SF CTAC kit returns
Anything I should change?
Please rate my "DD4 RIII S" build by GHK
Second KS-1 build for one of our team 👌
[Suggestion] BSG, if you’re reading this, what are the chances you could release the Quad Nods in black?
Finally found a good spray paint color for my FTHS replica
How my rifle looking (brutally honest)
Why are hideout items on my wishlist? What's the point if I can't use them?
[IRL] Does anyone where I can get these gloves in real life? (USEC Special Ops)
GB CTAC wannabe kit
Why can’t my KWA MP7A1 bolt lock back? I just bought it and after the last round , all 4 of my mags don’t allow my gun to lock back. Please advise thx.
Have you guys noticed that one of the weapons the Smugglers spawn in with is an M4A1 modded to look like Matt Graver's M4V7 in Sicario?
it's cagin' time
Should I relube brand new mags?
My MK18