Out of these, which do you think is the best intro Kendrick has made?
Wiim Pro Plus - Subwoofer goes silent
Including Tool, what are your top five favorite bands, and what is your favorite record from each one?
Drop ur favourite rock/metal songs, I’ll rate it
King Charles' bodyguards prosthetic arms. His real ones are under his raincoat holding his gun.
What is kendrick's best quote?
What song goes with this picture?
What song first comes to mind?
Graphical Evolution Of Skyrim ⚔️ | Vanilla & Modded
Rate my TOOL acid test track list and let me know how you would change it!
Is Mike braindead?(Seriously) S5 E6
What random MF DOOM lyrics do you blurt out for no reason
Asking your opinion every day about a Tool song Day 44: Message to Harry Manback
What random Pluto lyrics do y'all blurt out for no reason?
Where in the world would 100k feel like 1 Million dollars?
What other non-hiphop artists do you listen to?
Alright, I'm gonna finally join.
Asking your opinion everyday about a Tool song Day 2: Eulogy
Which song is this.
Who gave Tony the best ride?
What Kendrick song can all on this Sub Reddit agree is 10/10?
We´ve talked about riffs that get this face out of you (in a good way). But what about albums as a whole? Which album/albums are responsable of you making that face almost through the entirety of it?
Name That Song