Whale watching in Ilulissat
Just a President and his best friend
Everybody knows 7 8 9... But why did 7 8 9?
Please Clap
What’s a fact that sounds fake but is 100% true?
How's this?
Moving to Denmark next week for my wife’s work. I’m looking to go back to school and would like to find a crafting or fiber arts program?
Best 3D Printers
Best way to connect this long 30inch print?
What's your favorite aspect of DET's writing?
Moving to Copenhagen with a 5-year old
How hard is to find a Job in Copenhague ?
Just finished Howling Dark
Assessing damage in rental apartment
Friend from Thailand wants to work on Denmark
Saved by the hail
no no no hail yes
Finally found one! (oc)
Must be a good printer!
Changed my moms old porch light. Before and after
'Apparently you despise her': White House responds after French politician demands the U.S. return the Statue of Liberty
Ray Porter sci-fi audiobook recommendations
Pharmacy jobs
How difficult it is to find a job without knowing danish ?
Do Danish Men Express Interest Differently? Trying to Navigate Dating as an American Woman
My corolla took 22 years to travel the same number of kilometres light travels in one second