How to deal with height insecurity?
Oops I red that sign wrong
Best tournament arc of all time ?
I need game recommendations based on what I already play
Guve Him A Name
When will ippo finally 'dempsey roll' kumi?
Does anyone else try using HNI techniques irl?
What if Ippo was 6ft?
What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
Just how dead is Tales of Tonario?
Ippo vs Ricardo
What are some of your favorite manga panels?
What’s the Best Pokémon Rom Hack ?
Does anyone have all the instances of penis' in the manga?
Do you think Ippo looks better in Red or Blue trunks?
New chin. Need a name.
Give these characters a Pokemon team
When will ippo stop glazing miyata??
what are you addicted to?
Anime suggestions based on my top 10?
Takamura VS sukuna
If Ippo was a Saiyan, could he beat Goku?
What is the biggest Red Flag you see in a person?
New to anime, what would you recommend based off of what I’ve seen?