I don't get it
Final JTL Cards
I'm stumped
JTL: Admiral Piety
What leaders do you think need the right card(s) to exist to do well in the future? And which do you think are a lost cause?
No more Two Player Starter Decks?
Use that Card: Home One
Last Two SDW Leaders
What flexible jobs pay more than uber?
I bullied my husband into letting me fuck other people and now he’s jealous
My 27F husband 27M is struggling with jealousy issues ever since we opened up our relationship
In 12 hours I will get the answer, divorce or open marriage
Teachers Of Reddit, what was the worst parent teacher conference you ever had?
AITA for making my mom cry after she called my siblings and I accidents?
Final update: new boss is upset I’m resigning and relocating to a new state. She is requesting I write a manual on every step I take to do my job in 2 days. How can I professionally tell her no?
Second Job
Black man who says he was elected mayor of Alabama town alleges that White leaders are keeping him from position