[Metal Virus Saga Spoilers] I try to respect all opinions but I’ll never understand the hate on the IDW comics and Ian Flynn’s writing when there’s moments like this
I Personally Believe That YFNSM Is the Best Spider-Man Cartoon Since Spectacular, What Did You Think of the Show?
I’m a Somewhat Newer fan, What’s the Newer General Opinion on This Game?
The Films Should Abandon the Post Credit Character Reveals
No Idea What I'm Doing
I Wanna Get Into the Comics, Any Recommendations??
What Could Be Next?
What Could Possibly be Next?
What games can my laptop run?
I’m a Brand New Murder Drones Fan, Here is What Confused tf Out of Me.
What are your thoughts on Sucker Punch moving away from Jin Sakai?
give Man your last save image or he will blow you away!
When you first saw the show, what misconceptions did you have?
Elgato Game Capture Neo Not Working
Game Capture Neo Not Working
How do I Work my Wave Neo?
Need Help With a Monitor
Soooooo How About That Date??
What Could This Mean?
Is there any way to limit the chroma key? I only want the screen on the TV to have the effect.
What First Party Games are Essential/Must Own Games?
Need help with finding DS roms for the 3DS