It’s Time… Please give me a dirt cheap build with a leader nobody has seen to take to locals
Resources for match-ups?
Why doesn't Black/Blue Usopp decklists use the 5c Dessrossa Sabo blocker? It seems like a no-brainer to me but I hardly see any decks running them...
Early Usopp Decklist
Best League or Pre-Built deck for player new to TCGs
Buying a box for OP09
Best custom deck for starters
New, looking to build green Bonney 8.5
What 2 started decks would be the most fun for first time players?
PLuffy Decklist without Mr 2?
in my local game there are only lucci and blue doffy
I’m scared to go
Coffee truck pumps keep dying almost instantly...
Dumb question but anyone finding the new ST in stores yet?
Op 8.5 PLuffy
Building a Purple Luffy for OP8.5!
What do you think about black and yellow luffy in op08.5 and op09 meta ?
Need Help Choosing Between Uta ST11 and Reiju Decks
My Locals is doing a tournament with only one of the new ST decks. Which one is the best on its own, in your opinion?
Bonney Deck List and Tips?
Thank you to this community!
Am I crazy for putting 5c carrot in Bonney deck? 2K counter, 5c for the 8c rosinante play, and same effect as urouge
I'm new to the game and I want advice on what to buy!
How much cheating really happens in online regionals?
Can’t get POL fitting to not leak on flame king 100 lbs tank… Leaks right at initial fitting to tank.