GT Couples: How did you meet? I’m curious.
are there any drawbacks to attending FYSA (gt europe)?
First Year Semester Abroad Europe?
New Student & Housing Megathread
3 year old build won’t power on for more than a second after being left on last night.
Disturbing book recommendations!
Have you ever finished a book in just one sitting? What book is it?
Help, please need ib history tutor (IB HISTORY)
Have you ever visited France?
Great black and white movies?
PSA from an IB teacher: yes, we know when you use AI.
What is the oldest movie you like?
Book that's written like a memoir...
Suggest me a book that is analyzable for Grade 12 English
Movies about characters with broken bones
Why is there always something?
Oddly Specific Request: Looking for a book that deals with themes of loneliness, apathy, search for meaning, longing, desire to be understood, death, and love. All at once??
heart wrenching emotionally destroying book suggestion please
20M in college looking for a source of motivation
Just finished "The 400 Blows". Thoughts?
Would like to obtain a Computer Science degree but suck at math. Is Khan Academy good enough?
lifechanging books like East of Eden
What are you reading?
Recently watched the movie Mr. Brooks
recommend me a sad book that will actually make me cry