Does DLCS make game harder? Please help
I did not know this was a thing....
Mage Accessory Reforge?
MFW I get baited into playing a horror game 😭
Have you ever seen a VTuber model which looks like this? Debuting tomorrow!
Ruffians, no donuts for the sick puppies. Don't be soft, it is for their own good🩷🩵 (headpats are ok)
So I asked myself… if you drop a mini nuke and it gets shot, does it go boom?
I’ve been thinking… I need to acquire a NERF-type mini nuke
help getting skeledirge tera raid event !!
ultimate guides?
I fell for it
What's the best Moveset, Tera Type and Held Item for...
Name the most recent RWBY character in your gallery. Your Semblance will be the same as that character you saved in your gallery, but the first comment will be able to twist it.
Long time player, brand new discovery
How to prepare how hard mode?
Need advice
How do you guys personally deal with him?
What is the funniest nickname you have given one of your Pokemon?
New Eeveelution Just Dropped 🤣
Daily Thread - Q&A Thursday - No Question is a Bad Question Megathread
Minutmen or Brotherhood
NPC's destroying trees
If you can pick 3 pokemon to have as an option for a starter which ones would you pick?