Who's your favourite version of Shrek?
Out of all wild animals/creatures that were tortured by Shrek and Fiona, which do think think got it the worst
How common are sugar couples?
Do you expect to see Arthur as a king in Shrek 5? Maybe he may have a romance with Shrek's daughter even?
This movie had so much potential to be amazing like Shrek 2 but failed significantly. What would’ve made this work?
Which Shrek movie can you recite word for word in its entirety?
Pick your fave...
Samurai Shrek by Bruno Mota
What's your favorite scene of shrek 1 ever yet?
My St Paddy’s gift to me 💚💚
What are your Mach-E names?
Which scene do you prefer Shrek 1 “All star” or Shrek 2 “I need a hero”
What's you're favorite song from the Shrek Movies Soundtracks?
Dreamworks heard you right and clear
You deserve the original Shrek design.
Dressed the mini me up as Wolfie for Halloween
What’s the most adorable scene you’ve watched in any of the Shrek movies?
What's your favorite Shrek movie and why?
Favorite character that was killed brutally?
When you see NSFW in writing do you automatically assume it's something sexual or can it include non-sexual subjects?
Favorite characters that resembles to your favorite animal?
Should I watch Shrek 3 and 4?
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So what's the general consensus on Shrek the Third now? Like I know for a while it was that it's the worst Shrek by a landslide but now I've been getting some push back for saying it's bad
What are your thoughts about this redesign?