can they fix this bug already?
What's a vehicle that is painful to play as a bad player, but very enjoyable to play as a good player?
average air-rb game: half of my team diving for a single bomber.
I'm an air-rb player with almost 3500 hours, how the hell do I play ground-rb?!
is thare any up-to-date mec & climb speed chart/charts?
is thare any sound mod for old warthunder sounds? (2018-2021)
The only benefit of using A G502
New decal, new NSFW ideas (as usual)
an example of how utterly sad the a6m is
Haven’t seen this map in 3 years and at this BR too?🥹
A reminder of this historic quote from Gaijin for those who may have forgotten.
Image looks fuzzy on composite cable. Is this normal?
please fucking adjust or remove the chat spam system.
whats your favorite bad or non meta vehicle?
Another feature that was promised over 11 years ago that was never added...
anyone wish gaijin will reintroduce the tri-color smoke for future twitch drops?
has anyone flown the j7w after the fm changes? how much better is it?
Does anyone else put her in the cuck cage
B17 mission I need help
Pro tip: use stealth belts with mg151s 20mm, heres why.
Whare do y'all solder the wires for GBA screen mods? Just curious.
Anyone miss the feel of old pre-New Power era Warthunder?
Late ww2 German aircrafts drawings designed by me
The most sexy kill i've ever gotten.
Do I need a "32x extension unit"?