My fave mani
How to increase DIY dip mani longevity?
Patting myself on the back for getting through a bag of arugula, romaine, and 3lbs of strawberries without letting any of it get too smushy where I gag it down instead of enjoy it!
Mom guilt/a confession
Not sure how our fur baby would like our new skin one. Turns out he’s the new protector
Brunch is my favorite baby meal
Snacks recommendations
New moms
Mama got good sleep last night
Easter cookies!
I’m at a loss
Dip nails or gel nails during pregnancy?
Dinner for my 16 Month Old
Are you happy?
Is it possible to have an optimistic view of current U.S. politics?
Clean plate club tonight!
How do you encourage your little to try more foods?
Looks like even Blippi isn’t safe from the bot made content farms
Lunch time!
Happy Valentines Day! ❤️
I just got a puppy but my older dog hates him
Tonight’s dinner, brought to you by Chick-Fil-A
Brunch at 3pm because why not?
Dinner for one
Will he eat it???