The notes said they left a cash tip by the door.
Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
What did yall call fend for yourself nights?
Im gonna say it: keyboard and mouse aint all that bad
If you could eat one candy that never runs out, you can’t get sick of it and not gain a single pound. What would it be?
Whats your best “and this is why I cut you off” story?
People ordering a drink for someone who hasn’t arrived yet
We're gonna walk, but not too much
What word would have you rich if you got a dollar every time you said it?
Live Action LOP Fancast but it's sex offenders from my local area
Well gents, I've finally reached the final obstacle on my level 1 journey.
For those who had detention in school, why was the reason?
Overheard at the bar.
Outplayed 😂
The way a customers brain turns tf off when entering an establishment needs to be studied.
Do you brush your teeth after every meal?
I start my first bartending job in 2 days and I’m a bit anxious.
My wife doesn't game. She's starting on Elden ring.
I love this game
The Purge becomes a real thing. All crimes are legal for 12 hours. What are you doing?
My dude floated
What yall playing this weekend?
Every tenth step is a Lego. How do you survive?
You are given a total of one billion gagillion fafillion zazillion shabadabalo shabadamillion shabaling shabalomillion dollars to come up with a comedically dark and disturbing. What would it be?
Be honest… When was the last time you fed Torrent his berries?