I have been using Solanra for 5 weeks and the pimples still appear and disappear. Is this normal?
Red face
Will ivermectin help me heal?
Am I stuck with this forever?:/
Type 1 or 2? Redness that increases with temperature change؟
What has helped with your type 1 the most?
Been using ivermectin (horse paste) for 4 weeks now I notice my bumps have gone down and less itchiness .
Finally have my face back! Which products should I slowly introduce???
Soolantra - how long?
So Frustrated and Derm Unhelpful
Three derms - three different treatments. Officially lost.
Soolantra vs azelaic acid?
Rosacea type 2 cleared within a week using doxycycline and soolantra
soolantra/ivermectin skin routine?
Was anyone ever able to go off all medication?
Rosacea and not healing damaged skin barrier
The answer is ivermectin
ivermectin (soolantra, horse paste etc.) success. How long does it take and last?
Can anyone help me do the horse paste math??