Hacked and lost 1.6M+ in limiteds and Roblox refuses to help. Any advice?
Screw zodiac signs, what's your favourite emoji?
19 Y/O Is A Bro or Unc?
case oh is fat
Just bought synapse x executor WHy not inect into cs2?
is melatonin.win detected?
How Some Of You Dumb Fucks Actually Are.
what was the worst scam/rat u fall for trying to buy/download executor?
do yall ddos ppl or just sites and servers? (and i mean innocent ppl)
Since Telltale is back, will Minecraft Story Mode return to stores?
Text that will usually trigger a unterm for the altvading termination (the you were banned for being on the same ip adress as a account that got banned)
what are the likelihoods of an appeal?
I got banned for calling out a pedo?!
yikes :/ my brother started spamming copypastas and now my acc is deleted (we're both minors bro)
Type "Man I don't like____" and let auto complete finish the sentence
Fuck you Youtube
AWP said Byfron added new detections. Can anyone tell me what it is?
anyone have a AGED alt acc for me? im broke af so pls for free but ill pay with robux thats all i can pay with tho
AWP is Officially Detected
thier concrete proof is my username which i use on alot of social medias.
What is all this stuff? My server went out of outage and it brought up this update I don’t know why I do. My server has over 1000members does it have anything to do with guilds or not? I don’t know.
can we let the game die already
Unfair termination
disabling the app approval ( iphone 14)