What candy was always at your grandmas house?
Cycling is "dying"? I don't quite believe it
Now we just need these with THC.
Spirit is just loosing me
Sooo… messages?
What is ruining your mental health?
Which pro cyclists are the best at descending?
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
song/album you would listen to before ending it all
Do you think the Death Train **Brightline will allow me to wear this?
Do you notice drifting apart with your non-cycling friends?
What is the very best scorned lover song?
So I get the need for repellent sprays for sharks, barracudas & even whales to an extent, but why manta rays?
For all the people who get upset when they see someone post about something outside of Fort Lauderdale
So here we finally are... Flights changes, no seats available, no way to get a refund.
All Americans deserve the economic, political and social havoc that Donald Trump is about to unleash on them.
Canadian here feeling like garbage for a planned trip the US!
Your favorite local eats
Any suggestions for a good local "Third Place" to hangout between Hollywood and Aventura?
What’s the best one hit wonder song from the 70s, 80s or 90s!
What if all the DSP drivers stopped going to work for a week?
what’s your favourite song of all time
What was it called?
F*** my hand grindr