Sallys Pizza is overrated
How do I prevent paramedics from taking me to the hospital ?
Marvel flop
Clinicals while pregnant
Returning to Work Postpartum
Do me a favor and ask your spouse..
CT Saved My Life
Most disappointing mom moment for you?
MIL put my son to sleep in her bed
Everyone on this sub loves to shit on Waterbury, but does anyone on here actually live there? What's so bad about it? Is it really so much worse than New Haven or Bpt in terms of crime?
See through ?
Getting high before going for a run
Why do they refuse to buy adult sized clothes 😭
MIL has made my child a competition
Best-stocked Costcos in CT?
Vagina after birth
Brother-in-law is insisting on naming my soon to be niece after his ADHD medication
Move Over Glawackus
Favorite foods
Just gonna leave this here
Where do adults hang out during the day?
Any of your hounds like to sit and stare at you?
How long till deleted? LS crazy Grammy firing back lol
Why are all organized runs so early??