Tidal on Android is a buggy mess.
Confirmed - Apple TV app being developed!
Wavelet doesn't recognise Tidal on my Pixel 7. Even with legacy mode.
Hi-Fi is wasted on me
Sennheiser Momentum 4 – Unlocking Their True Potential with Hi-End Fine Tuning!
Does Apple Music support AptX HD on Android?
New Fiio sub-brand "Snowsky" releases new "Wind" headphones. Koss competitor?
Roseselsa - Distant Mountain is on the way!
[OTHER] I built a website that lets you transfer your playlists from Spotify to YT Music
Does anyone else have very expensive ($1000+ USD) Headphones, but listen to Spotify?
I want to buy the new Koss Porta Pro Wireless 2.0, but Im worried about hair loss......
Current state of The Setup
It feels crazy to make over 6 figures in 1 year via a passive portfolio
Koss Porta Pro's Wireless....wow
Why do Climate Scientists on Youtube always seem so positive?
Pattern on Max Luminance & Max Full Frame Luminance HDR calibration not visible on lowest setting (200)
B&W PX7 S2E v. PX8 … and the winner is…
How will new US tariffs affect buying IEMs & Headphones?
DMS on the 64 Audio Solo drivers
The MPC-BE feature, “Paste URL from clipboard” doesn’t seem to do anything?
What is the difference between full screen (f11) & full screen without resolution change (alt enter) on MPC-BE/HC?
Anyway to get Stremio to play to VLC directly before native player loads?
Why does the Stremio Web app on Browser look worse than the desktop app?