Average Cyrenaica experience
In the last 6 months the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelations have changed. I'm MAD.
Big number make happy
Fatbikes zijn “gay”
How many of you would like a theocracy path?
What are they doing here? (Wrong answers only)
Guess this flag
Vandaag in: "Hoe kan ik ongerelateerde dingen erbij betrekken"
Het moest even "Meer Real" zijn...
Meer Nederlandse jongeren worden orthodox christen
SGP is politiek neutraal
Make this comment section look like this character's search history
Me at work every day
Make the comment section look like this character's search history.
Help! Ik schaam me voor mijn salamitepels…
Just a reminder that Dwight was right about China
I made this Kaiserreich inspired Europe. W?
Say "im" and let autocomplete finish it.
Een patroon die ik begin te herkennen
Jan Mayen, a tiny rock in the ocean, has 1 million inhabitants!
“When Germany re-arms and starts with those funny little hand salutes again don’t act like you didn’t ask for it”
Wappie kan er niet tegen dat de held van het verhaal in het zonnetje wordt gezet door de NOS
Who would win this totally hypothetical and completely unlikely to happen war?