Why tf did they make this shitty commercial? I don't want to see a bunch of fools cringey dancing, I think GrubHub is trying to be "hip". This commercial should be banned from TV forever
On a normal playthrough of this game without glitches, how fast have you beaten this game?
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What's his aslume name?
What is an example of a place name that’s so ridiculous that you burst out laughing the instant that you saw it?
Who do you think will end up buying it?
What do y’all consider the borders of the American Midwest are?
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Screw You Dammit!|Day 30|Today's state is New Jersey
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Batman Arkham Asylum came out 34 seconds ago today
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Loud House ending?
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Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
IMO, this's the best flavor.
What does "Batman" mean? Is that some kind of British slang?