If y'all could get your hands on a worker drone what would you do with them and why?
I'm curious what universes would y'all like to see the slightly damn characters interact with?
So are 3/4 of the humans at the gala supposed to be Children? Because this makes no sense at all?
What do you think happened to the Lutece Twins after the events of infinite and burial at sea?
[tomahachi12] Doll playing the cello
So we have waiter/maid drones,miner drones...what other occupations did they fill?
What if Douglas MacArthur lead an expeditionary force into the gate?
How old will you be on Oct 23, 2077?
Forgotten Past
If you had the option to engrave custom text into your weapon, what would it say?
POV: You find this strange magic mirror IRL, and on the other side, Your appearance has changed from a human, to a pony, what do you expect your pony form to look like?
What’s your favorite weapon across the whole series?
If Skyrim had Faith stats:
Tessa doesn't like Pickles
Doll's husband.... why we get no lore on him or why poor broski has no name
Tierlist based on who suffered most (on screen)
POV: The Saderan legions enter the wrong store during the Ginza incident (They’ve just signed their entire armies death warrant as well as their empires death warrant)
You were the healer of the summoned hero party. They always called you useless even after you carried them all the way with timely heals, detox, purifications and even stamina recovery. After the task is complete they throw you out of the party. What do you do?
Comment a character from the show and I'll tell you how I think I'd get along with them
Make the comments look like the menu for Lynn's Table
Not enough talking about the best character
Who’s worse and who would you rather have rule the country you live in round 2
NUZI but opposite 🤗 (n model by MONYA (AlexandrStariy) an SD U by Slepa and me)
What's your favorite song?