Don't let bed rot win (12 year bed rotter)
Do not bed rot (from a 12 year bed rotter)
Email from the BBC
Two ugly ducklings
Free the chonk
FM vs SMG3 (Inspired by FM and James Twitter fights)
Why do you think the term “Dude” should, or shouldn’t be used as a gender neutral term?
It's ya boi - SMG4
Meme boi had an oopsie
Latest fanart works
Unfairly suspended. They made a mistake
Tari attempt
Me and the Boys ready to turn up for SMG4’s 10 year anniversary
Here's coloured version of first Meggy Sketch
Tari warps into the wrong game (animation)
Please don't kick the baby. He has a flower for you!
My first attempt at drawing Shroomy!
Should I put blood on Enzo's knife? 3/10 villians for ten years
Smgs 1-4
Badly drawing meggy every day until she returns from port aurora (2 for 1 since i forgot to do it yesterday lol)
Got my smg4 hat in the mail today and to show it off I stuck it on a yoshi egg pillow
First shot at Meggy (she's wearing the party hat from her recent livestream)
Good boi has a flower for you
The Lord of the Internet graveyard is currently unavailable. He's taking a well deserved nap.
Lil' Beeg SMG4 (based on plushie) I like to imagine he's his own character going on adventures and getting into mischief