Swan couple reunited after illness treatment
Birds cleaning the neighbourhood
Muslims experience severe discrimination and racism in the Netherlands; research shows
Unrealistic beauty standards
The world should all ban kinder surprise 😂
"Refrigerators in Europe are this small because Europeans don't have Walmart" | "It's like they want everyone to suffer, walking around with their little tote bags, buying just enough food for one meal like it's still the Middle Ages"
FIFA zet León uit WK voor clubs, maakt Ajax nu kans op lucratief startbewijs?
More countries are now telling their citizens not to travel to the U.S.
Le Normand imitating a ... something in Netherlands - Spain
Luka Modrić stops Mbappé's drive on goal and lets his club teammate hear about it
Film voor kinderen maakt wat los in mensen.
Russian desired map of Ukraine
Barry is built different
Fietsenmaker in de buurt van het station?
We need to get up in the morning to carry the world’s economy.
You don't have to pay for it. 💀
We all have at least one such song.
Their body their choice! OUR EYES OUR CHOICE!!
Wie is jouw favoriete Nederlandse artiest?
Vaste bestelling bij snackbar?
Selectie Oranje voor Nations League kwartfinale tegen Spanje.
Elon Musk Post this about EU
European cities can’t compete with this. We have the strongest rats. 🐀
The sheer amount of rats outside our building last night
Putin just visited the Kursk Region for the first time