Reaching out and connecting with partner/disconnecting
Jimmy / Saul Goodman is a narcissistic sociopath
Sri Lankan leopard fearlessly snatches water buffalo calf right in front of its mother
Turns out you can cut knives with corn
I made a dress based on the client's individual measurements, but she refused it without even trying it on. Now I’m looking for a new owner for the dress 😭😰😥
Honestly, this is an absolute gem. - -sostarbcs video.
Why do girls randomly ask me about microwaves?
What drove you to lose weight?
i relapsed. someone pls talk some sense into me.
If emotions had a smell, what would anxiety smell like?
I am so sick of women with internalized misogyny.
Does “being the bigger person” come at the expense of expressing yourself?
What's the point of this sub when mods delete serious discussions?
What profession would you never date?
I appear stoic on the outside, but inside, I feel intense rage.
What massively improved your mental health?
what’s a bitter life lesson you learned from your longest relationship?
Why do I hate corny shit sm?
Does anal even feel good or are you all just pretending?
Why do we need empathy?
When to stay and when to walk away. NT+DX relationship
My Therapist: 'Maybe Less Stoicism Memes, More Actual Therapy'
Poem: Night horror
Question for non ADHD people with an ADHD partner
Everybody write : I'm proud of myself.