Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Is there anyway to get my ps2 to play the full ps1 startup when playing ps1 games?
The campaign is over!
Do I recycle this legendary?
To the people who actually earned Iron Citron by packs, what rank plate did it take for you to get him
Funny story about an annoying player
Every Cactus variant fused into one(except for citrus)
i found an easter egg in undertale
What do you guys think is the most annoying troop in the game?
With all the new control cards available to kaboom, anyone tried control nightcap?
Clutch bomb imp
I observe the sub for some times, this is the conclusion I come to
Which tower was this for you?
Hacker or what?
Just make it do what it says, I can’t stand it anymore
Hall of Shame
I feel like there’s no point. Porn has already done damage. It’s ruined my life
Any YouTube alternatives for finding information?
My lady said I can’t get any more until I “create my damn content”
Ummm whatt👀💀!?!!??
Wild Berry and More Spore are useless here
These are the legendary cards I want to invest in, which ones are a good choice to invest in
Moving and need to sell/rehome my fish
Can this be summoned outside of the tutorial?