Chinese? > English
What was that about fouling?
Funniest bit on the Podcast?
How the hell did "Anora" win Best Picture?
Favorite serious moment?
Where are you from ?
How to stage walking without scene changes?
What can I eat pre-show?
Episode with the Vietnam vet story?
I kinda wanna play House of ashes shared story, wanna play? (PS4/5 editions)
I want Scott Foster out of a job lmao
How much these refs got on the game??
Need help with a jump shot
Near quadruple double in random rec
How to unlock cap breakers?
Writing a paper, would love help
[EU-PS4] Looking for REC teammates just need to have good iq and dont sell the game
I honestly don't understand rec
PS4 NA, looking for rec teammates who can play as a team. Doesn't matter if we win all the time
"Canadian Snacks" Tierlist
NA, trash, ps4 need a pro am team
Can anybody help me win games I'm 66 ovr I'm trying to get better, NA ps4
Who wanna play, ps4 [NA] or [EU]
Seeing a whole lot of P5, anybody on Ps4?