Chocolate cake with salted caramel frosting
Snow flops
Guilty of this
Joe Rogan and 'Dr.' Phil with a combined net worth of $500+ million explain why people on food stamps are the real problem with society (ft. a dose of sanity by Sam Seder)
Passed 6 wrecked cars between La Pine and Bend
I have no idea
This was personal
Who needs a skin barrier anyway
Union apparel
I've never adopted two kittens at the same time before. Is it normal for cats to like each other this much?
On the effectiveness and role of protest
Well that lasted all of 4 hours...
Possible labral tear at age 23–am I screwed?
Reckless driver in gold Lamborghini
What the FUCK is going on at Parkway Exit 138?!
I just got insurance. Thinking about going to the ER. Just want to make sure if I did 250 is ALL I would be paying
It's 2002, what are you listening to?
Saw that antler and thought, no way they're serving food on that. Then they bring out a plate, like, okay, maybe I was wrong. But nope, It's somehow even more ridiculous than I initially imagined.
Honey leaking from an electrical outlet due to a beehive inside the wall
‘we don’t your Energy’
Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body.
Storm nerves
Everyone needed cuddles tonight