Is The Heart Killers worth the watch?
What’s up with all these plane crashes recently
Working with ADHD
was/is anyone else a late bloomer?
The late 20's, early 30's crowd...where are we shopping?
How can I have a softer, more likable personality?
Looking for Chicago tickets!
Question for people that went to the New York Concert
Am I going to be able to get into south Jersey tomorrow????
How do we recognize the lessons we are meant to learn in life? (Say a bad thing happens to us.. how do find the lesson in it?)
I know this is gonna sound crazy..But my love language is gift giving and I feel a bit like a loser by getting men gifts?
Where might I be able to buy Eagles merch near center city?
Limited Taemin New York Tickets Available
Is there a way to create an email template (including a table) that others in my team can use?
What’s a member of a group that just DEFINES the group?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
I have upcoming client site visits and unsure of how to wear my hair. I was told by my coworker that my straight wig made me look more professional than my braids. Now I’m a bit confused .
Felt confident with my makeup look though my mom is a bit critical... says my makeup reminds her of a clown.
This is random but... Do you know what product this slogan is from?: "you're not you when you're hungry"
Dramas that you would suggest if I like The Heart Killers?
How do I find a resource ID for someone else?
How long on average does it take you to complete one homework assignment such as homework for math class?
How does it feel to have pretty privilege?
Do you consider porn a form of cheating?
hiii to all the black ladies who are into heavy metal, dark EDM/techno, and other alt music & fashion spaces