I’m so tired of winning…What’s this, like our third recession?
Canada caved 😂
October 8 Balance Update Preview
Game Update Notes: July 16th, 2024
Huge New Homestead details in PC Gamer article - Alt Parking, Mount ranch and more!
Which Engineer Jade Mech Reskin would you pick?
What do you think the spear will be for revenants? Melee or ranged?
He couldn’t hit the nail if his life depended on it. Swinging harder ≠ accuracy
Fallout will never be set anywhere but America says Bethesda boss Todd Howard
Best way to fix Alter Clalaclan
These are most likely the same people who say that Raids/Strikes are gatekept by toxic elitists. Now they want to gatekeep fashion. Thoughts?
Trouble Reassembling Pocket Critter
Obsidian Legendary Armor updated on charr
Legendary Relic is a good opportunity to update the Aurora / Vision / Coalescence effects.
What's the Best Deal You've Gotten for a Figure?
Outfits into amour skins
Is Soto for me? What to expect? Your reviews after launch?
[Data-Mining] Upcoming features from the August 22 patch
A bit disappointed with the removal of summoning runes
Package stuck "Inbound into customs" for almost 2 months
Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure – GuildWars2.com
Found in my stuff while moving. A bag from Gamescom 2011, a year before the game came out. My dad got it signed from some of the devs while I was playing the demo after 3 hours of waiting in line.
Balance Preview
Woman Spanks Toddler with Belt at Car Dealership 🤦♂️
What sort of new masteries would you like to see?