Record store find!
Bands you would love but are ruined by one member?
Who have been the best replacements to exceptional musicians?
Tours you regret not being able to see?
Giveaway Bonus Round 2 of 2! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs & DVDs.
Bro thinks he's slick
Giveaway! Original Ænima vinyl. Comment to enter.
Why can I never find them?
Suggest your favourite gothic doom band and their album(s)
I love TOOL fans
Puzzle pieces, that aren't edges, are all cut the same shape
Best albums with a replacement vocalist?
Halftime Football Talk- Super Bowl LIX: Kansas City Chiefs (15-2) at Philadelphia Eagles (14-3)
The way my heart DROPPED when I saw this at the record store
Giveaway Round 3! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs & DVDs.
i was exploring google earth and found a metric fuckton of penguins
AITA for discontinuing payments on a loan I can’t afford even though it will affect my parents?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs and DVDs.
Name a band that you can’t get into despite trying hard and wondering if the problem is you because they have a big following.
Got my 2nd ever vinyl today 🤘
I have an original of this really large poster still rolled up and never displayed. I cannot find a single example on EBay. Would anybody have any idea what it may be worth?
And with the cancellation of the Coal Chamber tour comes more work on FF11
What song got you like this?
Gotham Instagram