LV x TM High Rise quality issues?
Apartment Recommendations?
Skymark - how is it?
New TM Romy: Print doesn’t reach edge. Excess glue. Print is only moderately fuzzy. Mom and friends asked me if it’s counterfeit. 😩 I have a high rise on the way—please tell me those are better quality.🤞
What is a fragrance that gets praise but you hate?
For those of you over 40 - who don't want to do plastic surgery - what do you do to look your best?
Would you return?
Needing opinions for Reston Apartments
Do you guys think the papillon is ugly? Thinking of selling but I’m torn
Ordered a bag before realizing it looked gang-related and got a refund. Guess what came in the mail today?
I know it's tacky...
Just opened my TM Neverfull
My mother's favorite lip gloss is almost completely empty. The tube has no remnants of labeling or identifiers so can anyone help me find it? I want to surprise her with a new one for Christmas.
Microneedling RF gone wrong? Will I scar worse?
App Early Access Drops Available Now
Please help me find this brow pencil!
Before and After My Sephora Beauty Lesson Today
I may not be a fan of the Cappucine but I can appreciate the craftsmanship.
Help me pick - red vs black epi alma bb
Husband pushed me
What handbag do you have that makes you feel like an absolute boss when you carry it?
My Belmont bag was melting but I got a new bag:-)
Who suggested this? It changed me.
30 [F4MM] 22003 I wanna be double teamed by two bi guys