I lost my 1st grade classroom yesterday (year 2 teacher)
Coworkers who support mass deportations?
Thank you, Trump voters for...
What are we doing to support our trans/non-binary students after Trump’s declaration on gender today?
Had a 3rd grader in a maga hat today and it broke me
sitting for the pledge
water prices?
How are others who are having the worst year of their careers making it to the last day? (88 more to go here)
Should I Remove My Para From My Room
Teacher education is really bad: we aren't being taught sh*t.
AITA for refusing to thank my sil cause she had to “babysit” her own kids?
The Boyfriend - Synopsis
Am I expecting too much from my friend or is she not a real friend?
Going to concert alone ?
Lately, I feel left out...
Do I forgive my friend or walk away? Is this a real friend or not?
DH has our girls call him sir
Daily Email Complaint
Regrets over parenting choices I made when my 4.5yo was younger.
Parent question regarding bullies
Snow Day Drama
new goer!
Another kid asked son to kiss his butt, and to pull his pants down during tablet time
Service dog in the classroom