Sex pesting the camera is giving beige flag krunk. Mike’s not doing malewife duties cus Jessica can’t find a KLAN suit. Get off your knees,lay off the wine, and always carry a Clorox stick! ** sunglasses = basic VSCO girl
The mental gymnastics Jessica Reed Krause aka HouseInhabit goes through to try to keep her audience appeased is astounding. At one point here she even says “I’m pretty sure I agree.” Bitch what does that even mean other than you are flip floppy af.
JeRK goes on copy/paste meme & reel reposts to give her opinion on Whiskeyleaks and degrades herself further by once again attacking Blake Lively and Meghan Markle
Holy Shit.
When pedophile apologist Jessica Reed Kraus aka Houseinhabit changed her Substack article after we have been exposing her for 3 weeks for writing about watching CSAM & child pornography, she forgot to delete the original comments calling get out. Tagging Ghislaine Maxwell for maximum SEO
She liiieeeesss
I wish I could downvote a website
This. This is exactly why feminists, SA/SH survivors, and most women have continued to raise their voices against Blake Lively.
Ends her rant filled morning with weird paid classism lecture about what foods EBT “stamps” should and shouldn’t cover. She’s fully brainwashed and being sponsored by White Christian Nationalists.
JeRK woke up really cranky. Gives her 2cents on Tucker and Owens. Then gets pissed at a follower who suggests she lighten up.
Dragon's Keep: playing or legit?
lol k
Is this supposed to say MAGA?
Takes full credit for Elon cutting his hair. What is she on?!
Her obsession with trolling Jack Schlossberg and her dismissal of his concerns regarding his grandfathers death are just so gross. She wants attention from him so bad.
Every word she says is a brazen lie
"Independent" "Unbiased"
Extremely shadow banned on IG, including her year long ban on live. Keep up the good work reporting her slides.
Yes Jessica let’s procedure Fauci because you had to stay home with your kids
Jessica Reed Kraus is losing support & raging. Maybe it’s not Trump but Houseinhabit’s association with pedophiles, pedophilia, and shocking admission to watching child sex abuse material (CSAM) on her Substack on March 31, 2022 (which she ran to edit).
her latest post- enjoy the comments 🥰
Jessica Reed Kraus aka HouseInhabit declares herself the source on everything JFK and moon landing. And apparently is banned from IG Live for a year (probably for spray painting Kamala Harris posters outside the DNC)
Jessica Kraus, groomer and pedophile apologist, lover of MAGA, bigotry, racism, transphobia and blamer of female sexual assault victims, suddenly has a problem with "slurs"
Jessica Reed Kraus aka HouseInhabit is bothered about recent Substack articles written about her. It’s also clear she’s been lurking in the sub and seeing us making fun of her WH day pass. Stay bent Jess!
Continuing to pivot content away from the shitshow in the WH, Jessikkka doubles down on the Obama “open marriage” gossip and strikes out at her favorite couple to troll: Harry and Meghan.